Android SDK Changelog

Release history for the Lens Android SDK


Release Date: 8/19/24

  • Service release, no new features.


Release Date: 3/20/24

  • Bumped minimum supported version to Android 9/API 28.


Release Date: 12/26/23

  • Added support to sign and verify audio m4a files.


Release Date: 11/10/23

  • Updated dependencies.


Release Date: 10/11/23

  • Added support to Sign media with C2PA using any supported file from within your app.
  • Updated TSA requests to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.
  • Updated dependencies.


Release Date: 9/13/23


Release Date: 6/9/23

  • Service release, no new features


Release Date: 5/28/23


Release Date: 5/11/23


Critical Update

Lens Android SDK version 1.2.0 contains a critical update: we migrated the API used for Android device attestation to a new service because Google is deprecating it at the end of May. We ask all customers to take our release immediately to avoid any service interruption, as previous versions of Lens may cease to function properly. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Migrated from Google SafetyNet to Play Integrity attestation API, due to deprecation. Production applications that distribute via the Google Play Store will need to enable Play Integrity API access in the Play Console, which is a 30-second process. All other production and development apps using Lens 1.2+ will work out of the box with no configuration required.
  • Added a new feature to make location optional. This method allows you to define if location is never recorded, optional, or required.
  • Updated image and video thumbnail size, quality, and orientation to be consistent across platforms.


Release Date: 3/2/23

  • Bug fixes and stability improvements

Release Date: 1/9/23

  • Added support for capturing Truepics offline, both photos and videos. You may also see this referred to as long validity signing or long validity cerficiates. To learn more, check out our offline guide.
  • Added thumbnails for videos.
  • Updated support to c2pa spec version 1.2.
  • Fixed a photo signing issue affecting some Samsung Galaxy devices.
  • Added a flag to disable Lens from using the hardware-backed keystore Strongbox, and only use software-backed key storage.
  • Fixed a memory issue.
  • Improved device security.
  • Stability improvements

Release Date: 7/21/22

  • Stability improvements

Release Date: 7/19/22

  • Fixed a camera initialization issue on Android 6.
  • Fixed trusted timestamp issues.

Release Date: 6/24/22

  • Improved blur detection.
  • Made improvements to conform with C2PA version version 1.1.
  • Added a device check for at least 100mb of storage space to use the camera.
  • Fixed an issue related to certificate expiration.

Release Date: 6/9/22

  • Added sensor and odometry data to images.
  • Added support for new API keys.
  • Added debug mode in staging.
  • Added blur detection.
  • Various bug fixes.

Release Date: 4/19/22

  • Made improvements to conform with the upcoming C2PA version 1.1.

Release Date: 4/18/22

  • Added getters for camera mode, flash, and front/back facing camera.

Release Date: 4/7/22

  • Stability improvements

Release Date: 4/6/22

  • Stability improvements

Release Date: 3/28/22

  • Stability improvements