Display Changelog

Release history of the Content Credentials display library


Release Date: 9/10/24

  • In 2.2.0, we added a manual validation step for mp4s and audio, to prevent end-uses from downloading large files without their consent. This release adds an attribute to the truepic-display element, autovalidate, a boolean, which can be set to true for to configure any video or audio to automatically download and validate the file. The default is undefined.
  • When a video element contains the autoplay attribute, the display will automatically download and validate the video. If you wish to set this back to manual validation, set autovalidate="false" in the truepic-display element.
  • Resolved an issue causing some files signed with Microsoft-issued to fail validation.


Release Date: 9/3/24

  • Resolved the issue that some mp4s that are signed with the 1.4 specification fail to show any content credentials.
  • Fixed an issue causing some mp4s to appear invalid.
  • Fixed an issue causing some mp4 files with update manifests signed using Truepic tools to be incorrectly flagged as valid. Display now correctly identifies these files as invalid due to a specification and signing issue, though other Content Credentials displays may incorrectly mark them as valid.


Release Date: 8/26/24

  • Enhanced MP4 validation with a two-step process: an initial check on a small (under 600KB) video chunk to quickly flag issues in the manifest store, followed by an option to download and validate the entire file, ensuring the complete hash is accurately verified without unnecessary downloads.
  • Added specific, detailed explanations for why a file's content credentials cannot be displayed, which replaces the previous generic hard-coded explanation.
  • Updated the logic so that a created action assertion is no longer considered to be a visual edit.
  • Fixed an issue preventing certain non-editorial actions like published from appearing in the Edits and activity section in L3.
  • Resolved an issue where the combined assets flag showed for records with fewer than two ingredients.
  • Fixed a problem where the wrong thumbnail might be used if multiple manifests have similar relative links to their thumbnails.
  • Fixed an issue preventing location from appearing in L3 for manifests signed with C2PA spec v1.4 and above.
  • Added UI and animation polish.

Known issues

  • Some mp4s that are signed with the 1.4 specification fail to show any content credentials. This will be fixed in our next release, 2.2.3, on Tuesday, September 3.


Release Date: 8/15/24

  • Improved logic to validate files signed with certificates that are missing a Basic Constraints extension.


Release Date: 8/13/24

  • Addressed an issue where certain older files signed with previous versions of C2PA were incorrectly marked as invalid. Please be aware that as the C2PA specification evolves to enhance security and integrity, these files may be intentionally marked as invalid in future updates to ensure compliance with the latest standards.
  • Updated summary icons.
  • Renamed the "Modifications" dropdown in L3 to "Edits and activity" to better reflect the full range of standard C2PA actions, which includes c2pa.published and c2pa.opened.
  • Fixed an issue where Created with sometimes showed data from the wrong field.
  • Revised the L2 header to display "Content Credentials" as the title, and replaced "Visualized by" with "Powered by Truepic.


Release Date: 7/18/24

This major release introduces significant improvements without any breaking changes. We redesigned the overlay to improve the user experience, promote media literacy by simplifying Content Credentials, and provide more in-depth information. Here are some of the key highlights:

  • Added support for C2PA 2.0 files, including gathered assertions (listed under the "Manually added details" section) and updated mappings to reflect changes in data structures from the 1.x versions of the specification, while remaining backward compatible.
  • Enhanced the Content Credentials button (L1, in C2PA User Experience Guidance parlance) by increasing contrast, adding a caret for better clickability, and incorporating labels for key media characteristics, such as AI-generated, AI-edited, and camera-captured.
  • Replaced the single overlay with multiple layered overlays. The first layer (L2) provides a summary of key Content Credentials characteristics across manifests, offering essential information at a glance. The second layer presents a full history, allowing you to click through each manifest. The final layer (L3) details each manifest. Key characteristics are highlighted throughout each layer, indicating the corresponding manifest for each callout.
  • Expanded certificate details, which can be found in L3, to include the certificate issuer, entity name, and key dates.
  • Refined the logic to programmatically extract and display C2PA insights directly from the manifest store.

Known Issues

To be resolved in an upcoming release.

  • Some older files signed with previous versions of C2PA may be marked as invalid.


Release Date: 6/7/24

  • Added support for C2PA v1.4's c2pa.metadata assertions.
  • Added a Visualized by Truepic footer.
  • Security enhancements



Release Date: 5/9/24

Service release, no new features.


Release Date: 3/18/24

Service release, no new features.


Release Date: 3/7/24

  • Improved support for C2PA v1.4.


Release Date: 2/8/24

  • Fixed a bug preventing embedding.


Release Date: 2/7/24

  • Added support to verify and display Content Credentials for webp and AVIF image formats.
  • Fixed an issue where including social media links in the Creative Work assertion caused multiple authors to be listed in the display.
  • Added an alert when media is signed with a certificate issued by an untrusted certificate authority.


Release Date: 12/1/23

  • Added support for verifying and displaying m4a audio with content credentials


Release Date: 11/9/23

  • Added support for displaying all the schema.org Creative Work actor type (properties that expect Person or Organization types) assertions. The name of the actor property populates the label and is ordered the same as it appears in the manifest when there are multiple actors listed.
  • Fixed a bug where an image's thumbnail would not appear if two claims had the same thumbnail ID.
  • Updated support for displaying the contains AI-generated content flag for Adobe Firefly images.


Release Date: 10/30/23

  • Added support for labeling images from Bing Image Creator as containing AI-generated content.


Release Date: 10/13/23

  • Improved the overlay UI by placing the AI generated prompt under a dropdown in the Created with section.
  • Service improvements


Release Date: 10/10/23

  • Replaced the icon with the new Content Credentials icon.
  • Removed support for showing the icon when the media does not contain content credentials.
  • Added support to show an invalid state over the content credentials icon if the C2PA data is incomplete.


Release Date: 10/4/23

  • Fixed a bug preventing location from being reverse geocoding if the media was signed offline.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the time from showing if the media was signed offline.
  • Added support for showing digital watermark added as a modification.
  • Added a flag for when modifications may not contain visual changes, which is based on the absence of known c2pa actions that require pixel changes.
  • Added support to show the AI generated prompt.


Release Date: 8/10/23

  • Added support for automatically adding an AI-generated flag via Adobe Firefly's AI assertion.
  • Added support for automatically adding an AI generated flag via the digitalSourceType field in a C2PA action.
  • Added support for v2 C2PA actions.


Release Date: 6/15/23

  • Added a feature to enlarge thumbnails on click. It's easier than ever to visually compare versions of an image.
  • Added a Modifications dropdown that lists the types of changes made to an edited image.


Release Date: 5/15/23


Release Date: 4/3/23