Optimize Signing for Display

Sign media and display Content Credential information out of the box

Truepic's Content Credentials display library is designed to provide consumers with clear and trustworthy information about media. It works seamlessly out of the box, requiring no customization. Our commitment to an optimal user experience is driven by ongoing research and iterative design. As a result, the overlay selectively displays only the most relevant assertions and fields, focusing on what best informs the viewer while omitting details that could overwhelm or distract.

The sections below detail exactly which elements will and won't appear in the display, how they get there, and the rationale behind these choices. This guide will help you understand the logic of our display and optimize your signing process accordingly.

General fields

Here's a reference of what can and will appear in the overlay based on what is currently supported.

Display label or itemValidation report fieldHow to include or customize
contains n recordscount of manifests in manifest_storeSign multiple times
Signed bysignature.signed_by
The organization named in the certificate
Our tools add automatically. Contact us to update your organization's name.
Created withclaim_generator_infoEach Truepic signing tool allows you to customize the name. The native SDKs automatically use your app's name.
LocationEXIF:GPSLatitude, EXIF:GPSLongitudeWhen signing, include a stds.metadata (for C2PA 1.4) or c2pa.metadata (for C2PA 2.0) assertion with these keys.
Edits and activityList of actions in c2pa.actions assertionsWhen signing, include action assertions.
Ingredientsassertions.'c2pa.ingredient'When signing, include ingredients.
Thumbnailsassertions.'c2pa.thumbnail.claim'Truepic tools support thumbnail generation for jpg, png, svg, and webp. For all other formats, you'll need to provide one at sign time.
Created [date]exif:DateTimeOriginal in a metadata assertion or when in an action assertionInclude when in an action assertion

Key characteristics

Truepic's display provides a summary of key Content Credentials characteristics across manifests, offering essential information at a glance.

Here’s a guide to the labels and the conditions that assign them.

Label textTriggering condition
AI-generated contentdigitalSourceType of trainedAlgorithmicMedia or algorithmicMedia found in an assertion
AI-edited contentdigitalSourceType of compositeSynthetic, compositeWith TrainedAlgorithmicMedia or algorithmicallyEnhanced found in an assertion
Camera-captured mediadigitalSourceType of digitalCapture found in an assertion of media with only one manifest
Contains camera-captured mediadigitalSourceType of digitalCapture found in an assertion of media with more than one manifest
Visual editsAction assertions with visual changes found in the manifest(s) of an image
Content editsAction assertions with visual or editorial changes found in the manifest(s) of an audio or video file
No visual editsNo action assertions with visual changes found in the manifest(s) of an image
No content editsNo action assertions with visual changes found in the manifest(s) of an audio or video file
Combined assetsManifest(s) with multiple ingredients were found
Untrusted sourcesManifests signed with an untrusted certificate authority were found. In a verification report, there would be a validation_statuses of signingCredential.trusted FALSE
Unknown ingredientsManifest(s) contain unsigned ingredients (no C2PA data found).