C2PA Library Changelog

Library release notes coming soon

DateDescriptionlibc2pa VersionC2PA Spec Version
2023-07-14Initial version3.1.421.3
2023-08-02Add YUV support info3.2.01.3
2023-08-07Add stride to YUV3.2.11.3
2023-08-11Added a page on C2PA format debugging3.x1.3
2023-09-08Added CsrGenerator documentation3.2.31.3
2023-11-16Support for modification of custom assertion label prefix3.4.61.3
2023-11-28Added TsaResponseGenerator documentation3.5.71.3
2023-11-29Updated the description of runtime_error_with_context3.5.81.3
2024-01-16Ingredient assertions are now always v2 assertions.
2024-01-18Documented external manifest store functions3.5.01.3
2024-01-18Documented certificate retrieval utility functions3.x1.3
2024-01-18Added get_x509_certificate_from_pkcs7()
2024-01-18Added support for WebP, AVI, and WAV file formats3.8.01.4
2024-01-18Documented new build options3.8.01.4
2024-02-16Documented the fact that ingredients no longer need to be signed.
2024-02-16Added support for WebP thumbnail generation.
2024-02-16Added support for the AVIF image format.
2024-02-16Added can_generate_thumbnail_for_file() utility functions.
2024-02-16End-entity certificates can now be provided in the set_certificate_chain() function call.
2024-02-16Certificates are now validated before signing a media file unless set_should_validate_certificate() is set to false.
2024-02-16Certificates are now validated before signing a TSA response unless set_should_validate_certificate() is set to false.
2024-03-05Updated documentation for set_claim_generator_info() to describe how to add an icon to the claim.
2024-03-26Updated return values for check_c2pa_file_type3.8.211.4
2024-06-11Switched over documentation for the v5 library interface and deprecated the v4 interface.
2024-06-18Documented the media set (ABR) functionality4.1.12.0
2024-07-11Added support for the SVG image format4.3.02.0