CLI Reference

Explore all of the commands and options available in the command-line interface

Enroll with AWS

truepic enroll aws [OPTIONS] --api-key <API_KEY> --region <REGION>

Store keys in AWS Key Management Service and their certificates in AWS Secrets Manager.


-k, --api-key <API_KEY>

Your key that grants access to the Truepic API.

-v, --app-version <VERSION>

The version of the app calling this binary.

[default: 0.0.0]

-f, --force

Proceed with a new enrollment even if the existing key and certificate are valid.

The existing key and certificate will be replaced.

-j, --json

Output the profile as JSON on success instead of writing to a file.

-p, --profile <NAME>

The profile name to give this key and certificate.

By using different profiles, you can manage multiple keys and their certificates on the same machine.

[default: default]

-c, --subject-cn <COMMON_NAME>

The common name of the certificate's subject to request.

If not specified, "Truepic Lens CLI in " is used.

--region <REGION>

The AWS region (e.g., us-east-1) in which to store keys and their certificates.

--access-key-id <ACCESS_KEY_ID>

The Access Key ID to use for authentication.

Must be specified with --access_key_secret.

If not specified, the following are tried in order:

  • Getting the value from the environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.
  • Authenticating via the credential_process command in the AWS CLI's config file, usually located at ~/.aws/config.
  • Authenticating via the AWS CLI's credentials file, usually located at ~/.aws/credentials.
  • Authenticating via the instance profile assigned to the deployment environment (e.g., EC2).

--access-key-secret <ACCESS_KEY_SECRET>

The Access Key Secret to use for authentication.

Must be specified with --access_key_id.

If not specified, the following are tried in order:

  • Getting the value from the environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.
  • Authenticating via the credential_process command in the AWS CLI's config file, usually located at ~/.aws/config.
  • Authenticating via the AWS CLI's credentials file, usually located at ~/.aws/credentials.
  • Authenticating via the instance profile assigned to the deployment environment (e.g., EC2).

--cli-profile <CLI_PROFILE>

If authenticating via the AWS CLI, the name of the profile to use if it's different than default.

--key-id <KEY_ID>

If using a pre-existing key, the identifier of the key.

This can be either a key ID, a key ARN, an alias name, or an alias ARN.

Must be specified with --certificate_secret_id.

If not specified, a new key is created.

--certificate-secret-id <CERTIFICATE_SECRET_ID>

If using a pre-existing key, the identifier of the secret where the certificate is stored.

This can be either the ARN or the name of the secret.

Must be specified with --key-id.

If not specified, a new secret is created to store the key's certificate.

Enroll with Azure

truepic enroll azure [OPTIONS] --api-key <API_KEY> --vault-uri <VAULT_URI>

Store keys and their certificates in Azure Key Vault.


-k, --api-key <API_KEY>

Your key that grants access to the Truepic API.

-v, --app-version <VERSION>

The version of the app calling this binary.

[default: 0.0.0]

-f, --force

Proceed with a new enrollment even if the existing key and certificate are valid.

The existing key and certificate will be replaced.

-j, --json

Output the profile as JSON on success instead of writing to a file.

-p, --profile <NAME>

The profile name to give this key and certificate.

By using different profiles, you can manage multiple keys and their certificates on the same machine.

[default: default]

-c, --subject-cn <COMMON_NAME>

The common name of the certificate's subject to request.

If not specified, "Truepic Lens CLI in " is used.

--tenant-id <TENANT_ID>

The ID of the tenant/directory to authenticate with, found on Active Directory > Overview.

Must be specified with --client_id and --client_secret.

If not specified, the following are tried in order:

  • Getting the value from the environment variable AZURE_TENANT_ID.
  • Authenticating via the managed identity assigned to the deployment environment (Azure VMs, App Services, Function Apps).
  • Authenticating via the Azure CLI.

--client-id <CLIENT_ID>

The client ID of the app registered in Active Directory to use for authentication.

Must be specified with --tenant_id and --client_secret.

If not specified, the following are tried in order:

  • Getting the value from the environment variable AZURE_CLIENT_ID.
  • Authenticating via the managed identity assigned to the deployment environment (Azure VMs, App Services, Function Apps).
  • Authenticating via the Azure CLI.

--client-secret <CLIENT_SECRET>

The client secret of the app registered in Active Directory to use for authentication.

Must be specified with --tenant_id and --client_id.

If not specified, the following are tried in order:

  • Getting the value from the environment variable AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET.
  • Authenticating via the managed identity assigned to the deployment environment (Azure VMs, App Services, Function Apps).
  • Authenticating via the Azure CLI.

--vault-uri <VAULT_URI>

The URI of the vault in which to store keys and their certificates.

This is found on the vault's "Overview" page.

--key-id <KEY_ID>

If using a pre-existing key, the identifier (URI) of the key, including version.

Must be specified with --certificate_secret_id.

If not specified, a new key is created.

--certificate-secret-id <CERTIFICATE_SECRET_ID>

If using a pre-existing key, the identifier (URI) of the secret where the certificate is stored.

Must be specified with --key_id.

If not specified, a new secret is created to store the key's certificate.

Enroll with File System

truepic enroll file-system [OPTIONS] --api-key <API_KEY>

Store keys and their certificates in the file system.


-k, --api-key <API_KEY>

Your key that grants access to the Truepic API.

-v, --app-version <VERSION>

The version of the app calling this binary.

[default: 0.0.0]

-f, --force

Proceed with a new enrollment even if the existing key and certificate are valid.

The existing key and certificate will be replaced.

-j, --json

Output the profile as JSON on success instead of writing to a file.

-p, --profile <NAME>

The profile name to give this key and certificate.

By using different profiles, you can manage multiple keys and their certificates on the same machine.

[default: default]

-c, --subject-cn <COMMON_NAME>

The common name of the certificate's subject to request.

If not specified, "Truepic Lens CLI in " is used.

--private-key <FILE>

If using a pre-existing key, the path to the private key file.

Must be specified with --certificate.

If not specified, a new key is created.

--certificate <FILE>

If using a pre-existing key, the path to the certificate file.

Must be specified with --private_key.

If not specified, a new file is created to store the key's certificate.

Enroll with Inline

truepic enroll inline [OPTIONS] --api-key <API_KEY>

Store keys and their certificates inline with the profile.


-k, --api-key <API_KEY>

Your key that grants access to the Truepic API.

-v, --app-version <VERSION>

The version of the app calling this binary.

[default: 0.0.0]

-f, --force

Proceed with a new enrollment even if the existing key and certificate are valid.

The existing key and certificate will be replaced.

-j, --json

Output the profile as JSON on success instead of writing to a file.

-p, --profile <NAME>

The profile name to give this key and certificate.

By using different profiles, you can manage multiple keys and their certificates on the same machine.

[default: default]

-c, --subject-cn <COMMON_NAME>

The common name of the certificate's subject to request.

If not specified, "Truepic Lens CLI in " is used.

--private-key <PEM>

If using a pre-existing key, the private key as a PEM-encoded string.

Must be specified with --certificate.

If not specified, a new key is created.

--certificate <PEM>

If using a pre-existing key, the certificate as a PEM-encoded string.

Must be specified with --private_key.

If not specified, a new certificate is requested.

Enroll with JSON

truepic enroll json [OPTIONS]

Pass the profile to enroll with as JSON.

Unlike the other key provider-specific commands, this allows any key provider to be configured with JSON.

An updated profile will be output as JSON on success.


--file <FILE>

The path to a JSON file containing the profile.

Cannot be used with --inline at the same time.

This is the output from --json when enrolling with one of the key provider-specific commands.

-f, --force

Proceed with a new enrollment even if the existing key and certificate are valid.

The existing key and certificate will be replaced.

--inline <JSON>

The profile passed inline as a JSON string.

Cannot be used with --file at the same time.

This is the output from --json when enrolling with one of the key provider-specific commands.

Sign a Media File

truepic sign [OPTIONS] <FILE>

Cryptographically sign history/origin details into a media file.



The path to the media file to sign.

This file will be replaced with the signed version unless a new path is specified with --output.


-a, --assertions <FILE>

The path to a JSON file containing the assertions to sign into the file

--assertions-inline <JSON>

A string of JSON containing the assertions to sign into the file

-i, --ingredient <FILE>

The path to a media file that the <FILE> being signed has been created or derived from


Don't request a trusted timestamp from the Truepic time stamping authority (TSA)

-o, --output <FILE>

A new path where the signed media file should be output.

--output-manifest-store <FILE>

A path where the signed manifest store file should be output. This option will not modify the input media <FILE>

-p, --profile <NAME>

The name of the profile to use for signing [default: default]

--profile-file <FILE>

The profile as a JSON file to use for signing

--profile-inline <JSON>

The profile as a JSON string to use for signing instead of loading from a file

--claim-generator-name <NAME>

The name of the claim generator, to be used in the claim-generator-info field of the claim

--claim-generator-version <VERSION>

The version of the claim generator, to be used in the claim-generator-info field of the claim

--claim-generator-icon-file <ICON_FILE>

An icon file to use as the claim generator's icon in the claim-generator-info field of the claim

--target-spec-version <TARGET_SPEC_VERSION>

Can be used to specify the target C2PA spec version used for claim generation. The default value is "1.4"

--minimum-ingredient-spec-version <MINIMUM_INGREDIENT_SPEC_VERSION>

Can be used to specify the minimum C2PA spec version used for validating ingredient manifests during claim generation. The default value is "1.4"

--provided-thumbnail <PROVIDED_THUMBNAIL>

Path to either a JPEG or a PNG image to use as the thumbnail

--provided-thumbnail-assertion-source <PROVIDED_THUMBNAIL_ASSERTION_SOURCE>

An enumeration ("created" or "gathered") indicating if the provided thumbnail data is added as a gathered or a created assertion. For spec 1.4 and previous, the value is ignored. Defaults to "gathered". If specified, then --provided-thumbnail must also be specified

Verify a Media File

truepic verify [OPTIONS] <FILE>

Verify the cryptographically signed history/origin details in a media file.



The path to the media file to verify.



Don't check the revocation status of the signing certificate via OCSP.

--minimum-spec-version <MINIMUM_SPEC_VERSION>

Can be used to specify the minimum C2PA spec version allowed for validation. The default value is "1.4".

Extract a Manifest Store

truepic manifest extract [OPTIONS] <FILE>

Extract the manifest store from a media file.



The path to the media file to extract the manifest from.


-o, --output <FILE>

Required. A new path where the manifest file should be output. .c2pa extension recommended.

Insert a Manifest Store

truepic manifest insert [OPTIONS] <FILE> <MANIFEST_FILE>

Insert a manifest store, from a file, into an unsigned media file.



The path to the media file to verify.


The path to the manifest file.


-o, --output <FILE>

A new path where the signed media file should be output.

Remove a Manifest Store

truepic manifest remove [OPTIONS] <FILE>

Remove the manifest store from a signed media file.



The path to the media file to remove the manifest from.


-o, --output <FILE>

A new path where the file should be output.


truepic help [<COMMAND>]

truepic [<COMMAND>] --help

Print the full help documentation of the given command.

If no command is specified, the documentation for the root commands is shown.

truepic [<COMMAND>] -h

Print the summary help documentation of the given command.

If no command is specified, the documentation for the root commands is shown.


truepic -V

truepic --version

Print the name and version of the command-line interface.